Massage and Alternative Health Services

Massage Therapy

Timed Services

Therapeutic or Relaxation Massage

  • 1/2 hour

  • ¾ hour

  • 1 hour

  • 1 1/4 hour

  • 1 1/2 hour

  • Chair Massage

    $5 base + $1/minute

At no additional charge, we will incorporate any necessary technique to achieve the goal of your session. All of our training is available to you during any timed session, like deep tissue or cupping. Learn more about our specialty techniques.  

Couple’s Massage - available daytime hours, by request only. If you schedule out 2-3 months, evenings or Saturdays could be available. Charge is regular prices for seperate rooms, or plus $5 each for same room. Please call 419-629-2717 to schedule.

Specialized Massages & Treatments

Gentle and nurturing, this massage relieves the discomforts associated with pregnancy. Timed massage rates apply.

A gentle technique that releases tensions deep in the body. Helpful for a wide range of problems like migraines and other chronic headaches, chronic neck and low back/sacral pain, stress and tension-related disorders, fibromyalgia, and more. Timed massage rates apply.

A great way to rid toxins, this light technique has a powerful effect on lymph flow throughout the body. It is most effective on people dealing with lymphedema, sinus congestion, other swelling issues, and pre- or post-surgery, among other things. Timed massage rates apply.

Thai Massage is a collection of therapeutic stretching, joint mobilization, rhythmic deep tissue compressions and assisted poses. Many people describe it as having yoga done to you, receiving all the benefits without the effort!

  • 1-hour Thai massage: $80
  • 1-½ hour Thai massage: $115

Seated massage accesses neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands

  • 15 minutes - $20
  • 20 minutes - $25

Abby & Ann have taken advanced training for craniosacral and myofascial release for infants.  During a carniosacral session we are looking for tissue restrictions with the goal of loose, flexible, balanced babies. Babies love this work! It's gentle, quiet and relaxing. This therapy is recommended after lip/tongue tie releases, or to achieve better latch, less reflux, less colic and spit up, better sleep, more bowel movements, etc. Most sessions are 15-25 minutes with a charge of approximately $20.

For $85, this massage incorporates warm stones into your relaxation massage, soothing muscle aches and wiping away stress.

For $90, this 70-minute relaxation massage is customized just for you! You can choose your own scented massage oil candle, and we will also wrap your feet and back in a warm towel during the session.

For $40, settle down your sinus issues with a combination of eucalyptus steaming, facial lymphatic drainage and specialized reflexology for sinus points.

Alternative Health Therapies

For $75, an application of various essential oils through reflexology and light massage enhance the immune response. Patients must be screened to ensure safety.

 A dry sauna, using far infrared waves to heat the body. A great compliment to massage; helps joint pain, fibromyalgia, immune support, detox and relaxation.

$30, or $25 when coupled with a massage service.

From the Ion Infra Manual: The ionic cleanse treatment works by osmosis. The array goes into the water with the feet and the control unit delivers a current to the array.

This causes the metal within the array, with the water and salt to generate positively and negatively charged ions. Your cells are then energized by the ions, stimulating the release of toxins, oils, acids, fats, heavy metals, yeast cellular debris and waste that have accumulated over your lifetime. The body can also eliminate parasites, pinworms and various colored mucus; even drawing massive amounts of nicotine from the tissue and joints of people that have quit smoking even several years ago. Ionic body cleanse is an innovative technique for facilitating detox and drainage while simultaneously fostering healthy pH changes in the body.

Benefits of ionic cleansing

Some of the benefits of ionic cleansing may include:

  • Improve cellular function
  • Removing unwanted toxins
  • Balancing the body pH and electrical energy
  • Improving the function of organ systems
  • Improving muscle strength
  • Increase range of motion
  • Neutralizing free radicals
  • Decreasing pain
  • More energy

Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. We make no medical claims and make no statement of validation. Always consult with your professional health care provider before beginning any health care regimen.

Reflexology is a massage therapy technique in which the pressure points on the feet are stimulated with the intention of having an effect on corresponding body parts and/or organs. Regular massage rates apply.